
 28th September ' 2021 Today was the day I attended the interview of my dream company. I don't what power came in and they shortlisted me. I was one among the 9 students selected out of a batch of 570. Mind Blowing!!!! Isn't it I appeared for interviews, 2 Rounds. Interviewers were amazing. But what I lagged was structure. Structure, Structure, Structure everywhere everyone is talking about structure. What is structure??????  I don't know what I speaking, all words were coming automatically, I felt I was not using my mind. And just go on talking and talking.. DCP is what we call it.........  But why? What happened? When I come back and think of the same problem I could think 10 more ways of solving that problem, because I am able to use my mind But what happens in a interview, still figuring out............. And yes I got rejected.  Learning from the mistakes, everyone talks about it. But how? How should I overcome the fact that I made a mistake, what should I learn?...