28th September ' 2021

Today was the day I attended the interview of my dream company. I don't what power came in and they shortlisted me. I was one among the 9 students selected out of a batch of 570. Mind Blowing!!!! Isn't it

I appeared for interviews, 2 Rounds. Interviewers were amazing. But what I lagged was structure. Structure, Structure, Structure everywhere everyone is talking about structure. What is structure?????? 

I don't know what I speaking, all words were coming automatically, I felt I was not using my mind. And just go on talking and talking.. DCP is what we call it.........  But why? What happened?

When I come back and think of the same problem I could think 10 more ways of solving that problem, because I am able to use my mind

But what happens in a interview, still figuring out.............

And yes I got rejected. 

Learning from the mistakes, everyone talks about it. But how? How should I overcome the fact that I made a mistake, what should I learn???? I don't know

And do get out of it, I found an easy way out. I went ahead to play a game of snooker for 3 hours and chit chatted. So that I forget everything and my life become normal again

Rejections Rejections Rejections. How to handle that???

Hope, will be able to figure it out soon. 

Someone, told me start writing, Write as much as you can and you will gain structure. I start today and I promise to myself I will do it each day. Let's see. Does it help??? Will it help when I sit in the next interviewer. I will ask that person when I do that ?............

Thank You to this day............
